Travel Solo in Milan |The Best Solo Traveler’s Guide

travel solo in milan

To travel solo in Milan can be quite boring – if you are not used to traveling alone. No one to take pictures with or share the laughs and momentary experiences. It takes a lot of guts to dare to travel alone. Especially if you plan to have fun and a glorious remembrance of your trip.

Most people plan a solo trip because they need to get away from their environment and people, go far away from it so they can have time to think over an issue, or come to terms with some life-changing developments.

With an open mind and bravery, you can travel solo in Milan and have fun while at it, no matter your reason for doing so. All it takes is adequate planning.

Before your solo trip

You cannot afford to be stranded or overly stressed. Give adequate room for preparations before your arrival in Milan. Buy your bus tickets, train tickets or flight tickets, book a room, take all necessary documents, and pack your luggage before the day you are to travel.

Plan a day trip from Milan

Discover all the beautiful towns near Milan that you can take a day trip to. One of the perks of living in Milan is its central location to many cities in Italy. You can visit Bergamo, Pisa, Monza, Florence, Como, Lecco, Bologna, Venice, Cinque Terre, and many other beautiful Italian towns. Hopping on the fast train, you will arrive at your destination within minutes, saving you plenty of time to see the city and get back to Milan the same day. There are also other tips that can save you a lot of time and help you have a better experience day trip experience.

Make friends along the way

Upon your arrival, you may be lucky to stumble on shows, festivals, or events going on in the area. Don’t hesitate – go for it if you have no other plans. Do not build a wall around yourself, return a hello politely, smile, and have a little chit-chat with people you meet along the way. Try apps like Couchsurfing and Internations to discover events happening in Milan. Another great option is to book a local activity on Airbnb Experience to engage in, there are options for guided tours, cooking classes, and more.

Learn Italian

Engage with the locals, learn the basic Italian phrases, and strike up conversations. You will have a better travel experience if you can pick up the meanings of basic signages and visit local bars in Milan that do not communicate in English. I noticed some local bars and Trattorias (places where Italian traditional homey meals are made) where you can score the best deals and have the real local experience do not offer an English menu as well. So get learning!

Savour Milan

Go sightseeing, enjoy the weather, learn about the surroundings – be a little adventurous! Milan is full of interesting activities to engage in, the nightlife in Milan is vibrant, and don’t miss the famous Italian aperitif at Navigli, Corso Sempione, or one of the Duomo Terraces if you are seeking something fancier. Check out my other recommendations on things to do in Milan.

Behave cautiously

Be yourself’s keeper! Remember there is no buddy to drag you back to your abode if you get drunk or get into a fight, so behave yourself, be adventurous, and careful at the same time. Follow your instincts too, it saves a lot! Read more about safety in Milan here.

Below is my travel solo in Milan Guided Map

It takes guts to plan a solo trip and extra guts to embark on one, so if you are planning or soon to travel solo in Milan, you are a brave one!

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