The Solution to an Expired Permesso di Soggiorno without Renewal

expired permesso di soggiorno

Expired permesso di soggiorno can be a pain in the butt. It’s time to queue up again and carry on with the endless paperwork. Since the current global pandemic (Covid-19) has forced everyone to be on a lockdown and offices to close, many questions have emerged from expats living in Milan and Italy about the renewal of their expired or almost expiring Permesso di Soggiorno.

The Minstero dell’ Interno has provided the needed information on the Poliziadistato website for expired permesso di soggiorno – the official national website that deals with matters on Permesso di Soggiorno and more. According to the press release: “All certificates, permits and authorisation documents expiring between January 2020 and April 15th, 2020 will keep their validity until June 15th, 2020“.

This is the effect of the Cura Italia Decree, article 103 paragraph 2 of the decree law of 17 March 2020, no. 18: “Measures to strengthen the National Health Service and economic support for families, workers and businesses connected to the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19” in force since March 17, this year.

It has also been stated that the application for the renewal of the expired permesso di soggiorno can be submitted after June 15, 2020.

This is an extra grace period of four months from the usual two months, if for example, your Permesso di Soggiorno expired in January 2020.

What should you do if you have an expired Permesso di Soggiorno?

Note that you can usually still renew your Permesso di Soggiorno within sixty days after its expiration as stated in the pursuant to article 5, paragraphs 2 and 4, and article 13, paragraph 2 (letter b) of the Legislative Decree 25 July 1998, no. 286.

If you need to travel to another country other than your home country (within the Schengen Area) immediately after borders open up, then you may need to request a Permesso di Soggiorno Provvisorio.

Read how to apply for apply for the Permesso di Soggiorno Provvisorio here.

12 thoughts on “The Solution to an Expired Permesso di Soggiorno without Renewal”

  1. Please let me know if you were able to travel. I’m traveling to Dubai on 27th October and I would like to know if it is possible to go with my expired permesso and the receipt ?

  2. Please guys I have question it need Urgent, answer can I travel to Cyprus with my Permesso di soggiorno receipt or I need a visa

    1. Hey! I would like to know why were you sent to Montebello when you are from Milan. I am from Vicenza, I visited the questura to request them for the permesso di soggiorno provvisorio but deny on my face and say that there’s nothing as permesso di soggiorno provvisorio, you got wrong info. I am an Indian and i have to travel to Dubai this month end & first I would like to know can I travel with the expired permesso and the receipt or can I go to other questuras and request for the provvisorio?

  3. Hi my permesso expired more than 60 days ago and I wanted to know what legal penalties I may have or what should I do to avoid them. The reason why I didn’t apply to renew it was depression.

  4. Please I need someone to enlighten me on my issue about my expired permesso di soggiorno
    My document has expired since January 15 2020
    Please someone should let me know the right step I should take in other to renew it

  5. I am a PhD student in the Department of Geoscience, University of Padova.
    I have some questions about POS.

    Last year my POS expired on 31.10.2019 and I applied for renewal of it for
    1year and I received it on 2nd September due to COVID situation. I was
    expecting the expiry date to be at the end of October as the previous POS
    had an expiry date of 31.10.2019.
    But I noticed today only that the expiry date of my POS was 31.08.2020.

    This year I applied for renewal of POS on 13/10/2020 which is 43 days after
    the expiry of my POS that I realised today. So I wanted to ask if there
    will be any legal problem for me?
    Looking forward to your suggestions.

    1. Hello Hari. As I have mentioned in one of my posts, the Italian law allows you to renew your expired permesso within 60 days of its expiry. Hence, there shouldn’t be any penalty or legal problem as far as I know.

  6. Hi! Thanks so much for the info. Do you know if the 60 day rule applies for right now as well even though they’ve extended permesso’s validity to August 31 2020?

    My plan was to convert my cerco lavoro permesso to lavoro autonomo. The issue is that im out of italy currently and still have not picked up my permesso since February (due to covid). So i am not sure when it expires but im assuming worst case it was in March. but with covid the government has extended all permessos to be valid till August 31st. So I’m wondering if i have time until October 31st to convert it under the 60 days rule.

    Would really appreciate it if you have any info! I feel really stuck 🙁

    1. Hi Gol. Unfortunately I don’t have information on this. I suggest you call your Questura for more information. However, given the Covid situation, I assume you will be allowed to renew it. I also suggest you also come back as soon as you can to find a solution.

      1. Hi
        I am a srilanka who got my permesso di sorgeorno expired on 2018. What happen was I came to my country and got a strock in my brain and been paralyzed for the last 2 1/2 years. I have recovered fully and want to get back. Any idea how should I proceed ?

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