A friend told me, you don’t have to spend a fortune to travel – you don’t have to go bankrupt. All you need to do is to search the best deals online, make a budget and stick to it!
Following this advice, at the spur of the moment, I decided to take a day trip to Torino. Yes, I operate impulsively most times! Just like in the case of my trip to Paris.
Since Torino is just about two hours away (by bus) from Milan, I could go and return the same day. And in 13 hours, I did a lot! I wish although, I had spent more days in Torino, the city charmed me!
Leaving Milan at 6.12 am, I arrived at Vittorio Emanuele, Torino by 8.00 am. Entering through the north of the city, I fell in love immediately with the white mountains that stood like a painting from far off and the picturesque.
The city was quiet and still asleep. Few cars and people were on the road, also because it was a Sunday. The houses in the northern part of the city are built in similar clusters and modern – no anciently carved balconies or windows.
What you will find in this post
Take a look at some of my favourite pictures and videos from my trip and places I visited – like The Cinema Museum and Egyptian Museum. I took hundreds of pictures but only my favourites will be posted here.

The Murazzi are the landings, the arches and the remittances of the boats located on the west bank of the Po, near the historic center of Turin.

There are a handful of bars and restaurants at the square. I had toast, cotto e formaggio and Labuccino (coffee) at Labs (a restaurant). I loved the toast especially!

From here, I could sight the tip of the Cinema Museum – the thin long mast-like structure. Can you see it as well in the picture?
The National Cinema Museum
I visited The National Cinema Museum. Getting in was not a piece of cake. I had to queue for 2 hours as the line was very long. The total cost of a ticket for The National Museum, to go up the tower (by elevator) and visit the museum is 14 Euros.

Next stop was the famous Egyptian Museum. I found some things here horrific – the skeletons, dried dead bodies and the mummies.
Museo delle Antichità Egizie – Egyptian Museum
The Museo delle Antichità Egizie is the only museum apart from the Cairo Museum that is dedicated solely to Egyptian art and culture.

The are three options to choose from the digital guide. A complete tour, short tour or a family tour. These three tours take different time to complete.

Just if you are wondering you Kha is. A lot of items were discovered in his coffin, many of which are present at the Egyptian Museum, Turin. Kha was an important foreman at Deir El-Medina. He was responsible for projects constructed during the reigns of 3 kings: Amenhotep II, Thutmose IV and Amenhotep III respectively.
Torino is a green city and a place for people who love serenity like me. I will definitely visit some other time.